South-East Chinese God of Wealth -Han Xin Ye (韩信爷)

Han Xin was a military general who served Liu Bang (Emperor Gaozu of Han) during the Chu–Han contention and contributed greatly to the founding of the Han Dynasty.

Han Xin understood that being a very intelligent person, Liu Bang would had him killed one day, so while he was still being doted by Liu Bang, he requested Liu Bang to oblige him a "no execution" order.

Liu Bang replied that as long as he could see the sky when he raised his head and his legs were able to step on the ground, he would never be executed ever.

During war time, in order to increase the  fighting spirit of his tired soldiers and officers, Han Xin promote gambling to stimulate their morale. Indeed, this idea paid off with repeated success in their battles.

From then on, there was a saying "Han Xin won battles after battles through gambling".

One day, Liu Bang overheard that Han Xin was planning to overthrew him  and seize the throne. Han Xin was captured to the court to be beheaded.  Han Xin reminded Liu Bang that since he was able to see the sky while raising his head and step his legs on the ground , he was not allowed to kill him.

Upon saying these, the whole court full of  lower-ranking civil and military officials, and Liu Bang were speechless. Empress Lu , who was next to Liu Bang, suggested that Han Xin had his neck be tied on the rope of the gigantic bell inside the palace and raised up  above the ground.

Han Xin was then brought to the palace and prepared to be executed in this manner. Before his unwilling death, Han Xin cried out 3 sentences ..

1st Cry.. "Bronze Bell covered my head and can't see the sky, can't go to heaven. Legs can't touch the ground, hard to be reborn !". (铜钟罩顶难升天,脚无着地难投胎)

2nd Cry.." Hanged by the Bronze Bell, be  left on earth as the God of Gambling Joints !". (铜钟吊死我韩信,留恋世间做铰神)

3rd Cry.." I, Han Xin, promote Gambling to stimulate the fighting spirit of the soldiers, freeze the cheating gambling joints and collect Your Winnings !". (韩信设赌安军心,冻憨赌铰赢现金)

From this history, folks understood the hint given by Han Xin to worshiped him as "The God Of Gambler".

He was the inventor of the game of Shi Ba La(十八啦) - a game of 4 dices in a bowl when he was alive.

Take Note:
I've not seen any Taoist Medium in trance of Han Xin Ye (韩信爷) Deity. You may like to buy a consecrated Statue of Han Xin Ye (韩信爷) by a Taoist Master/Priest >> Consecration of Taoist Deity Statue. Then you can "Shake A Cup" of Numbers while facing Han Xin Ye (韩信爷) Statue.