Taoist Deities For Western Folks

Being a White(Caucasian or Farang or Ang Mo) You may only get to read the Tao Te Ching.

Many Folks in the West may love to argue that Taoism is just Philosophy and nothing to do with Chinese Deities , Taoist Mediums, Taoist Sorcery , Taoist Talismans and on and on.

When You mention "Taoism" , it can be self-cultivation or a Religion.

The truth of Taoism in Chinese Community:
The beauty of Taoism is...
1) If You want to focus on self-cultivation, You can. You can go into the woods and do meditation or just be with Yourself and feel the nature, do Qi-Gong or pratice Taoist Kungfu.

2) If You want to do White Magic or Black Magic, You can. Taoist Sorcery and Taoist Talismans can protect You or You can use to harm people. Tao is Universal.

3) If You just need help and also protection from Taoist Deities, You can. You just need a blessed/consecrated Taoist Deity Statue to pray to or place on the Altar at Home or Workshop or Office. Taoist Talisman can also do the same protection and whatever problems You are facing.

4) In South East Asia, Chinese Deities possess Taoist Mediums to provide consultation to Chinese Folks and other races too. Hopefully, some day , Chinese will bring this practice to the West to give consultation to the folks there. Do take note that during Consultation by the Chinese Deities, no money is charged. Folks do their own bit of token of appreciation in the donation box.

5)Whether to name it Taoism or Chinese Folk Religion or Animism, the True Fact is.. The Chinese in South East Asia are blessed with the ability to strike Lottery from the help of Chinese Deities.

6) In the West, You have never seen Chinese Deities , possess a Taoist Medium and give out 100% accurate Numbers. Only until You watch in front of You, the Chinese Deity (while in trance of the medium) writes down a set of Lottery ( 4D / Pick 4 ) onto the Joss Paper for the worshipers to bet on and at night, it comes out exactly the numbers given on the Lottery Results , will You then believe the truth of Spiritual Power. It is not a rare occasion but is a norm until the Chinese don't find it surprising.

You will have an unfair advantage on winning the Lottery if You believe and pray to particular Chinese God Of Wealth, which the Statue is properly Blessed / Consecrated or keep a Chinese Gods Of Wealth Talisman.

Chinese Deities that may give You 4D Numbers:
Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯) | Ji Gong (济公) | Tua Peh Gong (大伯公) | Datong Gong (拿督公)