Not all Chinese Gods Of Wealth will give You Lottery ( 4D / Pick 3/ Pick 4 ) Numbers. You better know which gods to ask or pray to. They will give You Lottery Numbers to buy when You desperately need it or during their Celebration Day.
Chinese Deities that may give You 4D Numbers:
Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯) | Ji Gong (济公) | Tua Peh Gong (大伯公) | Datong Gong (拿督公)

Welcome To Chinese Gods of Wealth

This Website is created to  give You the knowledge on Chinese Gods of Wealth worshiped by the Chinese Communities.  This Website is also the expansion of Taoist Talismans Website.

Many people thought that there is only one Chinese God Of Wealth. 

Some people even think the Image of Chinese God Of Wealth is created out from the Imagination of the Chinese just to decorate their home during Chinese New Year.

Below are the list of  Chinese Deities or Chinese Gods that most Chinese worship them as CHINESE WEALTH GODS.

These Chinese Deities are considered  Chinese Gods Of Wealth as they can directly and indirectly bless You with Money Luck and some of these Deities will also give You very accurate Lottery ( Pick 3/ Pick 4/ Lotto / 4D / Toto) Numbers. - You will learn which Wealth Deities can give You Lucky Numbers and the ones that don't and How To Get Lottery Numbers from them directly.

You will also be introduced to these 2 related Websites:
1) Kumantong For You
2) Talisman For You

Before You proceed... 
Is Your Taoist/Chinese Deity Statue been blessed/consecrated by a Taoist Master/Priest before You start praying to it ? You better read this >> Consecration of Taoist Deity Statue

Click on the individual link to read and understand their History and Legend and How to Pray to them properly.

 The Most Common Image of Chinese God Of Wealth:
* Common Chinese God Of  Wealth:
Cai Bo Xing Jun (财帛星君)

The Popular 5 Directions Chinese Gods of Wealth (五路财神):
* Centre Chinese God of Wealth (中路财神):  
Military God of Wealth (Zhao Gong Ming) 武财神(赵公明)

* East Direction Chinese God of Wealth (東路财神):
 God of Collecting Treasures (Xiao Sheng) 招宝天尊(萧升)

* West Direction Chinese God of Wealth (西路财神):
 God of Collecting Valuables (Cao Bao) 纳珍天尊 (曹宝) 

* North Direction Chinese God of Wealth (北路财神):  
God of Profitability (Yao Shao Si) 利市仙官(姚少司)

* South Direction Chinese God of Wealth (南路财神): 
 God of Attracting Wealth (Chen Jiu Gong) 招财使者(陈九公)

The 4 Additional Chinese Gods of Wealth in All Directions:
* South-East Chinese God of Wealth (東南路财神):
God of Gambler (Han Xin Ye) 大赌神(韩信爷)

* South-West Chinese God of Wealth (西南路财神):
 God of Luck (Liu Hai) 偏财神(刘海)  

* North-East Chinese God Of Wealth (東北路财神):
God of Gold (Shen Wan Shan) 金财神 (沈万山)  

* North-West Chinese God Of Wealth (西北路财神):
 Civil God Of Wealth (Dao Zhu Gong) 文财神(陶朱公)

More Chinese Deities that Chinese pray for Wealth:
* 2 Hell Gods Of Wealth - Black and White Brothers (黑白無常)
* Righteous God of Wealth - Guan Yu (关羽)
* Crazy God Of Wealth - Ji Gong (濟公)
* Earth God Of Wealth - Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)
* Malaysian Chinese God Of Wealth - Datok Gong (拿督公)
* Civil God of Wealth - Bi Gan (比干) 
* Child God Of Wealth - Shan Chai Tong Zi (善財童子)

How To Set Up A Taoist Altar

Day by day, more and more Western Folks are fascinated by the Taoism . Most Western Folks who are free-thinkers or "Born Christian" and "Forced-To-Be Christian" are converting to Taoism / Buddhism and Hinduism.

The same question has often  been asked:" How do I set up a proper Taoist Altar to pray to Chinese Deities?"

For a Chinese, setting up a Taoist Altar is easy.
For the Western Folks, they simply have no clue on how to set up a Taoist Altar.

This Article is written to teach the Western Folks on Setting Up A Taoist/Buddhist Altar, who  are planning to start praying to Chinese Deities / Buddhist Deities /Buddha or already praying but not sure whether they have done the correct way.

Setting Up a simple Taoist/Buddhist Altar is really quite simple.....

Guan Yin Altar - Simple Yet Elegant

The typical Chinese Way of Setting Up a Taoist Altar:
1) The Deity Statues MUST BE consecrated. Praying to Heavenly Deities must always be in Odd Numbers. 1 deity, 3 deities , 5 deities etc. Praying to Hell Deities, can be in Even Numbers, example: Tua Ya Peh and Di Yah Peh are always worshiped together. Place the Deity or Deities in the middle of Altar. If intend to pray to Heavenly Deities and also Hell Deities , separate them apart. The Heavenly Deities on Top and Hell Deities below the Altar or Hell Deities can also be on Your Right Hand Side.

2) Lighting Stands or Lamps(shape like candles) are placed on each end , left and right on the Altar. And should be switched on 24hrs every day. When home / office lights are switched off, the Lights from the Lamps on the Altar are still brightly shining.

3) Incense Urn will be placed right in front and middle of the altar. When You are facing the Altar, make sure the Incense Urn does not cover the bodies and faces of the Deity Statues. If the incense urn will cover the view of bodies and faces of Deity Statues, add a wooden block below the Deity Statue to lift up above the incense urn.

4) For praying to Deities in Taoist Way, using of joss sticks must be in odd numbers. 1 joss stick, 3 joss sticks , 5 joss sticks... 3 joss sticks are the norm. For Buddhist way, a small incense urn can be used to contain the circular shape incense sticks or incense cones.

How To Pray to Chinese Deities / Buddhist Deities / Buddha?
1) Every morning and evening, light up incense sticks/ cones and then WALK TO THE WINDOW OR DOOR WHICH YOU CAN LOOK UP TO THE SKY and pay respect to GREAT JADE EMPEROR 1ST, after that then walk back to the altar and pray / pay respect and say Your wishes to the Deity or Deities on the Altar.

2) On the 1st and 15th of every Lunar Month, put 3 small Chinese Tea Cups and pour Chinese Tea into them and do offerings of 1 type of fruits or 3 type of fruits and pray to the Deity or Deities. You CAN EAT the fruits after the Prayer. After the incense sticks are almost finished burning, BURN some joss/paper money to the deity / deities.

3) Get hold of the specific Mantra/Mantras or specific chants in English ( if You don't know Chinese) of the particular diety or the deities and understand the teachings of the individual Deities. Recite the Mantra or read the teachings of the diety or deities when You have the time while facing the Deity/Deities. If You don't have the time or not interested in Chanting, at least You must know the teaching of the particular deity/dieties.

4) Find out the celebration day (Birthday / Day of Enlightenment / Day of Gaining Tao etc) of the individual diety or deities on the Altar You are praying to /worshiping . Do offerings and burn joss/paper money to the deity / deities like how You do on every 1st and 15th of every Lunar Month.

You do not need to follow exactly how the Chinese pray to their Deities.The above is a general knowledge on how the Chinese do their prayers.

Example ... When Hindus pray to Chinese Deities, they will use burning lamp (Indian Style) and rotate around the Chinese Deity Statues and ring the bell while chanting with Hindu Mantra. When Chinese pray to Hindu Deities, they will use 3 joss sticks to pray to them.

In Taoism/Buddhism/Hinduism , what matter most is Your Heart, Mind and Soul in Your trust and believe that the deities have the power to protect You and bring Your prosperity and also understand the teachings of the individual Deities.

Most important is the Taoist Deity Statue or Statues MUST BE CONSECRATED or at least there is a TALISMAN to EMPOWER the ALTAR and an Incense Urn to burn Incense.

How You will like to decorate Your Altar is to Your own liking.

TAOISM never force anyone to follow exactly the "Standard Way Of Praying". Praying to Deities of different faith are allowed to be placed together and then blend into Your own Culture and pray the way You feel comfortable with.

Central God Of Wealth - Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明)

In the Book, Feng Shen Bang, 封神榜 (The Investiture of the Gods):
The story stated that...

There was a war fought between  King Zhou(紂王) ,the last king of Shang Dynasty, also known as Di Xin(帝辛)  and King Wu(周武王), who later established the Zhou(周) Dynasty.

* Note that Zhou (紂) is a completely different character from the "Zhou" (周) used by the succeeding Zhou Dynasty.
King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, through General Wen Zhong( 闻仲), was able to engaged the help of Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) , a Taoist Hermit with magical power, who was a close friend to Gen. Wen Zhong.

King Wu, engaged the help of Jiang Zi Ya( 姜子牙), an  astute political thinker and military strategist.

Even though King Zhou of Shang Dynasty was a cruel corrupt despot, Zhao Gong  Ming still steadfastly support the declining Shang Dynasty because he was loyal to his friend, Wen Zhong.

During the battle, magical weapons were used and supernatural powers were applied. Many deities, ghosts , demons were also involved in the battle.

Jiang Zi Ya realized the magical power of Zhao Gong Ming were too strong for him to win over, therefore he had to fight with him indirectly.

Taoist Master by the name of  Lu Ya(陆压道君) taught Taoist Sorcery to Jiang Zi Ya in order to kill Zhao Gong Ming with Black Magic.

Jiang Ji Ya made an effigy of Zhao Gong Ming and started the ritual.  Zhao Gong Ming eventually died.

The war continued...

Fast forward,
The war was over soon and the Shang Dynasty came to an end.

Yuan Shi Tian Zhun , 元始天尊 ( The Celestial Venerable of the Primordial Beginning or the Primeval Lord of Heaven) ordered Jiang Zi Ya to canonize the deities.

Jiang Jiya began the deification process of the dead.
Due to his Valour, Zhao Gong Ming was given the Role: True Lord of the Golden Dragon of  Wish-Fulfillment and the Dragon Tiger Altar of Orthodox Unity (金龙如意正一龙虎玄坛真君) or in short was called Zheng Yi Xuan Tan Zhen Jun(正一玄壇真君).

Zhao Gong Ming had 4 Assistants:
1) God of Attracting Wealth - Chen Jiu Gong (招财使者 - 陈九公)
2) God of Collecting Treasures - Xiao Sheng (招宝天尊 - 萧升)
3) God of Collecting Valuables - Cao Bao (纳珍天尊 - 曹宝)
4) God of Profitability - Yao Shao Si (利市仙官 - 姚少司)

These four deities were the ones given the duties on giving blessings and fortune to the Human Folks. Thus, Zhao Gong Ming was then known as the the Leading God Of Wealth by the human folks.

With these 5 deities together, they are known as The 5 Directions Of Chinese Gods Of Wealth (五路财神).

There are different legends of "Gods Of 5 Directions" or "Gods of 5 Roads" from different dialect groups within the Chinese Communities.

However, the Yearly Celebration for different legends of "Gods of 5 Directions" and praying for Prosperity and Good Luck is on the same day, which is on 5th Day of 1st Lunar Month.

The Celebration Day for Central God Of Wealth - Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) will be 15th of 3rd Lunar Month.

Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) possessed a Taoist Medium in the Temple

Take Note:
1) For Singaporeans / Malaysians / Indonesians/ Asian Countries:
Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) do possess the Taoist Medium (Tanki) during Consultation Service in Temple. Approach him if You have important issue to seek help and not to look for him just for Lottery Numbers. During his Celebration Day, he may gives out Potential Winning Lottery  Numbers. Just hang around the Temple or Make-Shift Temple during his Celebration Day and You may get to see the Lottery Numbers written on Joss-Papers.

2) For Folks in Western Countries:
Taoist-Medium Consultation is totally unseen or unheard of.  Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) is not a common Taoist/Chinese Deity to the Taoist Folks in Western Countries.

Learn How To Empower Your Taoist Deity and the Altar: 
Consecration Of Taoist/Chinese Deity Statues

East Direction God of Wealth - Xiao Sheng (萧升)

In the Book, Feng Shen Bang, 封神榜 (The Investiture of the Gods):
The story stated that...

Xiao Sheng(萧升) was a carefree Taoist Hermit from Wu Yi Mountain (武夷山).

Together with his close buddy, Cao Bao(曹宝), they spent all their times playing chess and merrily discuss about Taoism.

On one occasion, both of them happened to bump into Zhao Gong Ming, who was pursuing after Burning Lamp (燃灯道人).

Xiao Sheng used his Weapon, Luo Bao Jing Qian( 落宝金钱) to got hold of Zao Gong Mings' 2 weapons, Fu Long Suo (缚龙索) and Sea Calming Pearls - Ting Hai Shen Zhu(定海神珠). Zhao Gong Ming had him killed with his Golden Whip instead.

During the Investiture of the Deities by Jiang Zi Ya( 姜子牙),

Xiao Sheng (萧升) was given the Title: God of Collecting Treasures (招宝天尊) and to assist Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) to distribute Wealth.

Take Note:
Nobody pray to Xiao Sheng (萧升)alone. You either pray to Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明)alone or You pray to Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) with his 4 Assistants together.
You will have to pray 5 Deities, which means You have to buy 5 Taoist Deities Statues.

To strike the Lottery, You can simply keep a GODS OF WEALTH OF ALL DIRECTION TALISMAN.

West Direction Chinese God of Wealth - Cao Bao (曹宝)

In the Book, Feng Shen Bang, 封神榜 (The Investiture of the Gods):
The story stated that...

Cao Bao(曹宝) was a carefree Taoist Hermit from Mount Wuyi (武夷山).

Together with his close buddy, Xiao Sheng (萧升), they spent all their time playing chess and merrily discuss about Taoism.

On one occasion, both of them happened to bump into Zhao Gong Ming, who was pursuing after Burning Lamp (燃灯道人).

Being busy-body, they got themselves involved in the Battle. Xiao Sheng was killed by Zhao Gong Ming. Cao Bao got pissed off that his buddy was killed and decided to leave the Mountain to fight against the Shang's Army.

He was later killed in one of the 10 Battles Formation - Blood-Curdling Battle Formation (红水阵) killed by Heavenly Master Wang Bian(王变).

During the Investiture of the Deities by Jiang Ji Ya,

Cao Bao was given the Title: God of Collecting Valuables - Na Zhen Tian Zun (纳珍天尊)

Take Note:
Nobody pray to Cao Bao(曹宝)alone. You either pray to Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明)alone or You pray to Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) with his 4 Assistants together.
You will have to pray to 5 Deities, which means You have to buy 5 Taoist Deities Statues.

To strike the Lottery, You can simply keep a GODS OF WEALTH OF ALL DIRECTION TALISMAN.

North Direction Chinese God of Wealth - Yao Shao Si(姚少司)

In the Book, Feng Shen Bang, 封神榜 (The Investiture of the Gods):
The story stated that...

Yao Shao Si(姚少司) was residing in Luo Fu Cave ,located at Er-Mei Moutain (峨眉山).

Together with Chen Jiu Gong(陈九公), both were disciples of Zhao Gong Ming.

It happened that Weng Cong (闻仲) came to seek support from Zhao Gong Ming for the Battle against the King Wu's Camp(周武王). Yao Shao Si followed them for the Battle.

During the battle, Zhao Gong Ming was being hexed by Black Magic, called "Nails On The Head, Seven Swords Book", Ding Tou Qi Jian Su (钉头七箭书) done by Jiang Zi Ya(姜子牙), taught by Taoist Priest Lu Ya (陆压道君).

To rescue their Master Zhao Gong Ming, Yao Shao Si and Chen Jiu Gong proceed to Zhou's Camp (周营) in order to destroy the ritual performed by Jiang ZiYa. However, they were caught up by Yang Jian(杨戬) and Ne-Za. Yao Shao Si was killed by Ne-Za.

During the Investiture of the Deities by Jiang Zi Ya( 姜子牙), Yao Shao Si was given the Title: God of Profitability, Li Shi Xian Guan (利市仙官).

His duty was to assist Zhao Gong Ming in the distribution of wealth and answer the prayers pertaining to wealth from the mortal folks.

Take Note:
Nobody pray to Yao Shao Si(姚少司)alone. You either pray to Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明)alone or You pray to Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) with his 4 Assistants together.
You will have to pray 5 Deities, which means You have to buy 5 Taoist Deities Statues.

To strike the Lottery, You can simply keep a GODS OF WEALTH OF ALL DIRECTION TALISMAN.

South Direction Chinese God of Wealth - Chen Jiu Gong (陈九公)

God of Attracting Wealth,Zhao Cai Shi Zhe(招财使者) - Chen Jiu Gong (陈九公)

Chen Jiu Gong was residing in Luo Fu Cave ,located at Er-Mei Moutain (峨眉山).

Together with Yao Shao Si (姚少司), both were disciples of Zhao Gong Ming.

It happened that Weng Cong (闻仲) came to seek support from Zhao Gong Ming for the Battle against the King Wu's Camp(周武王). Chen Jiu Gong followed them for the Battle.

During the battle, Zhao Gong Ming was being hexed by Black Magic, the method was found in the Book: "Nails On The Head, Seven Swords" - Ding Tou Qi Jian Shu (钉头七箭书) , performed by Jiang Zi Ya(姜子牙), which the book was given by Taoist Priest Lu Ya (陆压道君).

To rescue their Master Zhao Gong Ming, Chen Jiu Gong and Yao Shao Si proceed to Zhou's Camp (周营) in order to snatched away the book from Jiang ZiYa. However, they were caught up by Yang Jian(杨戬)- also known as Er Lang Shen(二郎神) and Ne-Za. Chen Jiu Gong was later killed by Yang Jian.

During the Investiture of Deities by Jiang Zi Ya, Chen Jiu Gong was given the Title: God of Attracting Wealth,Zhao Cai Shi Zhe(招财使者).

Take Note:
Nobody pray to Chen Jiu Gong (陈九公) alone. You either pray to Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明)alone or You pray to Zhao Gong Ming (赵公明) with his 4 Assistants together.
You will have to pray 5 Deities, which means You have to buy 5 Taoist Deities Statues.

To strike the Lottery, You can simply keep a GODS OF WEALTH OF ALL DIRECTION TALISMAN.

South-East Chinese God of Wealth -Han Xin Ye (韩信爷)

Han Xin was a military general who served Liu Bang (Emperor Gaozu of Han) during the Chu–Han contention and contributed greatly to the founding of the Han Dynasty.

Han Xin understood that being a very intelligent person, Liu Bang would had him killed one day, so while he was still being doted by Liu Bang, he requested Liu Bang to oblige him a "no execution" order.

Liu Bang replied that as long as he could see the sky when he raised his head and his legs were able to step on the ground, he would never be executed ever.

During war time, in order to increase the  fighting spirit of his tired soldiers and officers, Han Xin promote gambling to stimulate their morale. Indeed, this idea paid off with repeated success in their battles.

From then on, there was a saying "Han Xin won battles after battles through gambling".

One day, Liu Bang overheard that Han Xin was planning to overthrew him  and seize the throne. Han Xin was captured to the court to be beheaded.  Han Xin reminded Liu Bang that since he was able to see the sky while raising his head and step his legs on the ground , he was not allowed to kill him.

Upon saying these, the whole court full of  lower-ranking civil and military officials, and Liu Bang were speechless. Empress Lu , who was next to Liu Bang, suggested that Han Xin had his neck be tied on the rope of the gigantic bell inside the palace and raised up  above the ground.

Han Xin was then brought to the palace and prepared to be executed in this manner. Before his unwilling death, Han Xin cried out 3 sentences ..

1st Cry.. "Bronze Bell covered my head and can't see the sky, can't go to heaven. Legs can't touch the ground, hard to be reborn !". (铜钟罩顶难升天,脚无着地难投胎)

2nd Cry.." Hanged by the Bronze Bell, be  left on earth as the God of Gambling Joints !". (铜钟吊死我韩信,留恋世间做铰神)

3rd Cry.." I, Han Xin, promote Gambling to stimulate the fighting spirit of the soldiers, freeze the cheating gambling joints and collect Your Winnings !". (韩信设赌安军心,冻憨赌铰赢现金)

From this history, folks understood the hint given by Han Xin to worshiped him as "The God Of Gambler".

He was the inventor of the game of Shi Ba La(十八啦) - a game of 4 dices in a bowl when he was alive.

Take Note:
I've not seen any Taoist Medium in trance of Han Xin Ye (韩信爷) Deity. You may like to buy a consecrated Statue of Han Xin Ye (韩信爷) by a Taoist Master/Priest >> Consecration of Taoist Deity Statue. Then you can "Shake A Cup" of Numbers while facing Han Xin Ye (韩信爷) Statue.

South-West Chinese God of Wealth - Liu Hai (刘海)

Liu Hai(刘海) was Prime Minister serving for the King of Yan, Liu Shou Guang (劉守光), during the Five Dynasties of China.

Soon, He left his official position and pursue the Taoist Way.

Liu Hai carried out many good acts to help mankind that included defeating malevolent demons.

On one occasion, Liu Hai vanquished the Golden Toad - an evil spirit that had terrorized people for years. The toad was injured during the battle when one of its legs was severed, leaving it with only three limbs.

The defeated Golden Toad swore loyalty to Liu Hai and became a devoted follower, performing kind acts to atone for its past wrong deeds.

This 3 legged toad had the ability to transport Lui Hai to anyplace he desired to go in an instant.

Being a toad by nature, it loves the wet and darkness of the well, therefore it often hide itself to the nearest well available nearby. To get the toad back, all Lui Hai had to do was threw a string lined with Gold Coins as bait and it would always took the gold coin bait and returned back to Liu Hai.

It also possessed the amazing ability of vomiting gold and silver. The treasure was used to aid Liu Hai to help the poor and spread wealth to benefit the mortal folks.

Take Note:
I've not seen any Taoist Medium in trance of  Liu Hai (刘海) Deity. You may like to buy a consecrated Statue of Liu Hai (刘海) by a Taoist Master/Priest >> Consecration of Taoist Deity Statue. Then you can "Shake A Cup" of Numbers while facing Liu Hai (刘海) Statue.

North-East Chinese God Of Wealth - Shen Wan Shan (沈万山)

Shen Wan Shan( (沈万山) was a noble man during of the Yuan Dynasty and at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.

According to the legend, he was a fisherman on both sides of Qin and Huai River. One day, Shen Wan San saw a person caught a bag of frogs and was preparing to cook and eat them. He bought the frogs and released them into a pond in the vicinity.

In the evening, Shen Wan San was suddenly awaken by noisy croaking of the frogs. He got out and had a look only to find that the frogs released by him were surrounding a pot, hence, he took the pot into his house.

When a golden hair pin would drop into the pot, the pot would magically filled with full of golden hair-pins. When a silver ingot was to drop into the pot, the pot would magically filled with full of silver ingots.

It was thus known as the Treasure Pot.

Later, people worshiped Shen Wan San as God Of Gold.

Take Note:
I've not seen any Taoist Medium in trance of Shen Wan Shan (沈万山) Deity. You may like to buy a consecrated Statue of Shen Wan Shan (沈万山) by a Taoist Master/Priest >> Consecration of Taoist Deity Statue. Then you can "Shake A Cup" of Numbers while facing Shen Wan Shan (沈万山) Statue.

North-West Chinese God Of Wealth - Dao Zhu Gong (陶朱公)

Fan Li (范蠡) was an ancient Chinese adviser in the state of Yue in the Spring and Autumn Period. He had been to the state of Wu as hostage together with King Goujian of Yue. Three years later they came back and he helped Goujian to carry on a reform. At last Yue was able to defeat the state of Wu. After the victory he resigned and renamed himself Tao Zhu Gong (Chinese: 陶朱公; pinyin: Táo Zhūgōng; literally "Lord Tao Zhu"). He became a successful businessman in his later years and was famous as a rich person.

In the legend, after the fall of Wu, Fan Li retired from his ministerial post and lived with Xi Shi (西施)- one of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China, on a fishing boat, roaming like fairies in the misty wilderness of Tai He Lake(太和湖), and no one has seen them ever since. This is according to Yuan Kang's Yue Jueshu 《越绝书》.

Fan Li managed a pharmacy selling traditional Chinese medicine. The pharmacy originally included only two elderly employees, He Bo (Chinese: 何伯; pinyin: Hé Bó) and De Shu (Chinese: 德叔; pinyin: Dé Shū in Mainland China, Dé Shú in Taiwan). The business began to expand only when Tao Zhugong hired He Bo's youngest son, Xiao Wen (Chinese: 小文; pinyin: Xiăo Wén).

Fan Li became one of the prototypes of the late folk deity of Prosperity (Cai Shen). He is ascribed with writing a book known in English as "Golden Rules of Business Success" (simplified Chinese: 经商宝典; traditional Chinese: 經商寶典; pinyin: Jīng Shāng Băo Diăn; literally "Manage Business Jade Advice"). This book, most probably of a later origin, remains popular today as its advice is sometimes considered timeless. It includes Twelve Business Principles and Twelve Business Pitfalls describing the art of successful business management.

Tao Zhugong/Fan Li was unusual among tycoons for his view of money. He believed that one who understood money would be willing to abandon it if it became a burden. It is only a means to an end and should not be taken too seriously. Nonetheless, it must be handled and acquired according to principles. Fan Li also urged a somewhat loose construction of these principles, encouraging broad and flexible utilization in various situations.

The Twelve Golden Rules are as follows:
*Ability to know people's character. You must perceive evidence of characteristics from experience.
*Ability to handle people. Never prejudge a prospect.
*Ability to stay focused on the business. Have a definite focus in life and business and avoid jumping around.
*Ability to be organized. A disorganized presentation is unappealing.
*Ability to be adaptable. Make sure you are organized enough to respond quickly.
*Ablility to control credit. Do not allow nonpayment. Make sure you collect what is owed.
*Ability to use and deploy people. Use employees in ways which bring out their potential(s).
*Ability to articulate and market. You must be able to educate customers on the value of goods.
*Ability to excel in purchasing. Use your best judgement in acquiring stock.
*Ability to analyze market opportunities and threats. Know what is selling according to areas and trends.
*Ability to lead by example. Have definite rules and standards. Make sure they are followed to ensure good relations.
*Ability to have business foresight. Know market trends and cycles.

The Twelve Golden Safeguards are:
*Don't be stingy. Never confuse efficiency with inhumanity.
*Don't be wishy-washy. Be confident in pursuing opportunities. Time is of the essence.
*Don't be ostentatious. Do not overspend in order to make an impression.
*Don't be dishonest. Truth is the only basis for business. Without it someone will get hurt.
*Don't be slow in debt collection. Without collections, liquidity is affected.
*Don't slash prices arbitrarily. This will only trigger a price war in which everyone will lose.
*Don't give in to herd instinct. Make sure the opportunities are real and not part of a craze.
*Don't work against the business cycle. When things fall in price, they will then rise and vice versa.
*Don't be a stick-in-the-mud. Keep up with things and make progress. Examine new things objectively.
*Don't overbuy on credit. Credit is not license to spend wildly.
*Don't under-save (keep reserve funds strong). When business is slow, one with money can expand while others close.
*Don't blindly endorse a product. Make sure your vendors are still following standard operating procedure.

Tao Zhu Gong is widely worshiped as the God of Business by Chinese Businessmen.

Take Note:
I've not seen any Taoist Medium in trance of  Dao Zhu Gong (陶朱公) Deity.
Learn to be a good businessman from the Book: "Golden Rules of Business Success" written by Dao Zhu Gong (陶朱公).

2 Hell Gods Of Wealth - Hei Bai Wu Chang (黑白無常)

2 Gods Of Wealth From Netherworld:
Big Brother in White Robe - Dua Yah Peh(大爷伯) - Xie Bi An (谢必安)
2nd Brother in Black Robe -  Di Ya Peh (二爷伯) - Fan Wu Jiu (范无救)
The two Deities together, they are often known as Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯) by the Southern Chinese of Hokkien and Teochews and also known as Hei Bai Wu Chang(黑白无常) in Mandarin.

There are more than a pair of Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯) in the Netherworld, therefore the stories of how they died will be different.

They are known as Hei Bai Wu Chang(黑白无常) in the netherworld and not Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯). Their appointments are like Sergeant Rank in the army. They are allowed to move freely between the Netherworld and Earth.

Since their life stories began in Southern China , they are known among the Southern Chinese and the  Oversea - Chinese in South East Asia but other parts of China may never know about these 2 Hell Deities.

The history goes like this... told by the White and Black Brothers  during trance..

Centuries ago, in a Southern province of China, there were two sworn brothers by the name of Xie Bi An and Fan Wu Jiu . Both were Constables working in the Government Office.

During that period, opium was introduced into China. Chinese was tricked into believing that opium was  Longevity Paste(长寿糕) by the British. Hence, many people including Xie Bi An and Fan Wu Jiu were taken in by these lies and became hooked onto them.

However, as a head of the constable then, the decision from Xie Bi An (谢必安) was vital. He was given 2 choices at that time, to take bribery, close an eye and continue enjoying with endless supply of opium or face death and expose the deadly drug in China.

Dua Ya Pek was already badly addicted by that time. If he chose the former offer, more Chinese will be killed from the drugs unknowingly. If he chose the latter, he will be killed from running out of opium stock very soon. As a responsible and a righteous man, Dua Ya Pek chose to save the Chinese and end his life by hanging himself from a rope just outside the City Gate.

Dua Ya Pek body was later removed by Dee Ya Pek. Dee Ya Pek was too distraught with the incidence and eventually decided to end his life by jumping into the sea the next day.

Dua Ya Pek was killed by hanging himself thus his tongue stuck out.
Dee Ya Pek die of drowning and thus his face is blacken.

In view of their righteous character and responsible personality, the Jade Emperor (Heavenly God) appointed them to becomes the constables of the hell. Beside carrying out law and order in hell, they are to capture the wondering spirits on earth and also required to provide ritual services in the human world  to help the human folks.

Both Dua Ya Pek and Di Ya Pek are two of the many other subordinates of  'Chen Wang Yeh' (城王爷) - A Judge In The Netherworld .

Providing Lottery Numbers is not their main duties, however they are allowed and able to give very accurate Lottery Numbers if there is a need or when they want to.

During consultation, when the human folks request for Lottery numbers from them, they will do a study whether the person is deserved to strike the Lottery and if yes, they will provide them accurate Lottery Numbers accordingly.

Often time when a  person is desperately in need of help, Dua Ya Pek or Di Ya Peh would personally give them very accurate Lottery Numbers to let them settle their monetary problems.

During important festivals such as their birthdays, Dua Ya Pek or Dee Ya Pek will definitely write down very accurate lottery numbers to let the worshipers and believers strike the Lottery.

Human Folks often time do prayer in front of their statues in the temple and seek Lottery Numbers by shaking a cup of Numbers written on small rolls of papers.

There is a popularly known fact - If anyone ever bump into them on the street at night or in the graveyard or along the dark alley or dark roadsides at night,  they will confirm strike the Lottery.

These 2 White and Black Brothers enjoy eating Chinese Red Bean Biscuits , drink Stout Beers and smoke the Camel Brand Cigarettes without filters.

Folks considered these 2 Brothers as the 2 Hell Gods Of Wealth because they have the opportunities to strike the Lottery from the numbers given by them.

Chant Song to invite Tua-Di-Ya-Peh to possess the Medium

Take Note:
1) For Singaporeans / Malaysians / Indonesians/ Asian Countries:
Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯) do possess the Taoist Mediums (Tankis) during Consultation Service in Temple. They very often come in pair. Approach them if You have important issue to seek help and not to look for them just for Lottery Numbers. During their Celebration Day, either one of them or they may give out Potential Winning Lottery  Numbers and they are very good at it if they want the worshipers to strike. Just hang around the Temple or Make-Shift Temple during their Celebration Day and You may get to see the Lottery Numbers written on Joss-Papers.

2) For Folks in Western Countries:
Taoist-Medium Consultation is totally unseen or unheard of in Western Countries.  Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯) is not a common Taoist/Chinese Deity to the Taoist Folks in Western Countries. Only when You have bet and strike on the Lottery Numbers given by Dua Di Ya Peh (大二爷伯) during their Consultation Service in the Temple, then You will believe Taoist Deities are real.

Learn How To Empower Your Taoist Deity and the Altar: 
Consecration Of Taoist/Chinese Deity Statues

Just want to Strike the Lottery, without praying to Taoist Statue?
Go here>> http://talisman-4-u.blogspot.com

The Teaching of Guan Sheng Di Jun (Guan Gong / Guan Di) (关圣帝君)

Guan Sheng Di Jun(关圣帝君) World-Awakening Prayer

Guan Sheng Di Jun(关圣帝君) said, "Man lives in the world. If he values loyalty, filial piety, honesty, and righteousness above all else, he will not fail in life. However, if he doesn't value loyalty, filial piety, honesty, and righteousness, although his body is alive, his heart is already dead. This is called stealing life.

Man's heart knows the gods and the gods know man's heart. If a man is not ashamed of himself, neither are the gods. If you lie to yourself, you cheat the gods. Therefore the good man is cautious and wise, and is careful in his actions when alone. He doesn't believe that he could do evil that others couldn't see, for if he were seen doing evil, he would have regrets.

The gods see every move a man makes, as if ten eyes were watching and ten hands pointing at him. He should always do his best, for it is clear that one reaps what he sows. Make not the slightest error. Lust is the beginning of all kinds of evils. Filial piety is the origin of all good deeds. Those who go against what is right must have regrets. They do not say out loud "This benefits me only." yet secretly they do only what benefits themselves.

Those who do what is right have no regrets. They do not say out loud "This is to help others." and then neglect to do what benefits others.

If you would follow my teachings, then try to carry my sword
This is my sword : *Respect Heaven and Earth *Sacrifice to the gods *Respect your elders *Be filial to your parents *Obey the law *Listen to your teachers *Love your brothers *Be honest with your friends *Put the souls of your ancestors at peace *Be kind to your neighbors *Understand the proper relations between husband and wife *Educate your children and grandchildren *Always be willing to lend money *Amass merit through anonymous good deeds  *Help those in difficulty *Have pity on the orphaned and the poor *Repair temples *Print religious books  *Donate medicines *Do not kill  *Release captive animals *Repair bridges and roads *Help widows in distress *Be frugal, relieve other's difficulties *Do what is worthy and beautiful *Teach others what is good *Dispel injustice *Use honest weights and measures *Make friends with the virtuous *Avoid the wicked *Fight evil *Uphold good *Help the people *Make your heart *Follow the proper path *Make yourself anew *Fill yourself with kindness *Have no evil thoughts *Do good works *Have a honest heart.

Although other men may not see you do these things, the gods will quickly hear of it. They will increase YOUR WEALTH, add years to your life, help your children and grandchildren, stop misfortune and disease, and prevent you from suffering disasters. Your life will be peaceful and lucky stars will shine on you.

If Your Heart Is Full of Evil ...
However, if your heart is full of evil and you do not do good things, lust after other people's wives and daughters, break up their marriages, destroy their purity, ruin their skills, scheme for their wealth, instigate lawsuits, harm others in order to benefit yourself, rail against Heaven and Earth, slander the wise and virtuous, destroy statues of the gods, cheat the gods, wantonly kill living things, destroy good books, rely on force, slander the good, use wealth to oppress the poor, separate people from their relatives and brother from brother, not believe in the true path, lust, steal, go whoring, swindle others, act extravagantly, waste grain, are ungrateful, go against your conscience, use crooked weights and measures, set up false teachings, lead on the simpleminded, falsely say that someone has died, extort goods, cheat others, talk obliquely, curse people in broad daylight, scheme to hurt others behind their backs, not follow Heaven's way, not make others happy, refuse to believe in karma, entice others to do evil, and do not even a bit of good yourself ..

Those who do such things will have reason to regret it. They will suffer fire, flood, and bandits. They will suffer plague, give birth to idiots, be destroyed themselves, and have their family line extinguished. Their sons will become thieves and their daughters whores. Retribution will fall upon them, their sons, and their grandsons. The gods see everything and don't miss things even as tiny as a hair. Good and evil are two paths. Disaster and fortune are separate things.

If you do good, you will have good fortune; if you do evil you will suffer misfortune.

I tell you this to encourage you to act. Although my words are simple they are of great benefit. Those who make fun of my words will be destroyed.

If you recite this prayer, evil will vanish and joy abound. Pray for a son and you will be given a son. Pray for a long life and you will have one. Wealth, rank, accomplishment, and fame can all be obtained. Whatever you pray for you will receive. Disasters will melt like snow and blessings gather like clouds.

If you wish to obtain these blessings, they can only be obtained by doing good. I am hiding nothing from you. I only answer the prayers of good men. Accumulate merit and do good deeds. Do not delay and lose your will to do good."

WHO IS GUAN SHENG DI JUN >> Righteous God of Wealth - Guan Yu (关羽)

Righteous God of Wealth - Guan Yu (关羽)

Guan Yu (关羽) is also known as Guan Di(关帝) , Guan Gong(关公).

Guan Yu (关羽) was a historical person who lived in China during the Three Kingdoms period, (三国) (CE 220-CE 280).

Towards the end of the Han dynasty (汉朝), the emperor had been reduced to a nominal ruler. Powerful clans and court officials fought against each other to become the power behind the throne. Meanwhile, disenfranchised peasant began series of uprising.

As the political disintegration intensified, regional warlords were no longer contented to be the power behind the throne. They aspired to be rulers of their own empire. Nevertheless, others remained loyal to the Han dynasty and sought to restore the power of the Han Emperor.

Guan Yu belonged to the group who aspired to restore the Han Dynasty. He had met two other persons with the same ideal; Liu Bei, (刘备)a distant member of the Han royal family and Zhang Fei (张飞). They became sworn brothers at the Peach Garden (桃园结义) and vowed to work together towards the revival of the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei was the eldest of the three brothers; Guan Yu was the second brother and Zhang Fei the youngest.

When the regional powers Cao Cao (曹操) and Sun Quan (孙权) proclaimed themselves Emperors Wei (魏) and Wu (吴), Liu Bei declared himself the Emperor of Shu (蜀) with the aim of restoring the Han dynasty, often referred to as Shu-Han (蜀汉). With this development, Chinese history entered the Three Kingdoms Period, (三国时代) a political scene that lasted for 60 years from CE 220 to 280.

As a General, Guan Yu was well known for his integrity, and bravery. As an individual, he was respected for his loyalty and righteousness.

During a battle with Wu forces, Guan Yu was captured and beheaded by Sun Quan after refusing to surrender.

Sun Quan sent Guan Yu's severed head to Cao Cao, who performed the proper funeral rites and buried Guan's head with full honours. Guan Yu was granted the posthumous title of "Marquis Zhuangmou" (壯繆侯) in 260 by Liu Shan.

According to Buddhist legends...
 In 592, Guan Yu manifested himself one night before Ch'an Master Zhiyi, the founder of the Tiantai school of Buddhism, along with a retinue of spiritual beings. Zhiyi was then in deep meditation on Yuquan Hill (玉泉山) when he was distracted by Guan Yu's presence. Guan Yu then requested the master to teach him about the dharma. After receiving Buddhist teachings from the master, Guan Yu took refuge in the triple gems and also requested the Five Precepts. Henceforth, it is said that Guan Yu made a vow to become a guardian of temples and the dharma. Legends also claim that Guan Yu assisted Zhiyi in the construction of the Yuquan Temple (玉泉寺), which still stands today.

In the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong wrote that ... 
After Guan Yu's death at the hands of Sun Quan, his spirit roamed the land, crying out, "Return my head!" His spirit came to Yuquan Hill outside Dangyang County (present-day Dangyang, Hubei), and encountered Pujing, the monk who saved his life several years ago at Sishui Pass. Pujing spoke to the spirit, "Now you ask for your head, but from whom should Yan Liang, Wen Chou, the pass guardians and many others ask for theirs?" Guan Yu's spirit was enlightened and disappeared, but henceforth it manifested itself around the hill and protected the locals from evil. The locals built a temple on the hill to worship the spirit.

In modern days, General Guan Yu became the embodiment of loyalty, righteous, bravery and benevolence (忠义勇仁) . Guan Yu’s brotherhood pact with Liu Bei and Zhang Fei provides strong imagery and symbolism for friends to look after each other in times of hardship. This idea offered motivation and role model for Chinese migrants when they arrive in their host society.

The Taoist worshiped Guan Yu as the god of literature、god of war and Martial God of Wealth and is referred to as Guan Gong (关公), Guan Di (关帝), short for his Taoist title "Saintly Emperor Guan" (关圣帝君).

In Chinese Buddhism, Guan Yu is revered as Sangharama Bodhisattva (伽蓝菩萨) - the guardian spirit of Buddha Dharma.

Guan Gong is often depicted in paintings, sculptures and many art forms. When he is depicted with his sworn brothers, Liu Bei as the eldest brother is seated with Guan Gong and Zhang Fei by his side.

He is also represented alone either standing with a saber or seated and at times reading. In many temples, a sculpture of his horse can usually be found.

Statues of Guan Yu on the Altar used by triads tend to hold the saber on the left hand, and statues in police stations tend to hold the saber on the right hand.  The notion of brotherhood has been appropriated by triads to emphasize the group identify and brotherhood of triad membership.

If Guan Gong is the central figure, his two assistants, Guan Ping (关平) and Zhou Cang (周仓) stand by his side.

Many overseas Chinese communities worship General Guan Gong and dedicated temples or set up altars in his memory. Such practices reflect the importance these communities placed on social solidarity and the need for mutual support in a foreign land.

The Buddhist worship of Guan Gong as Sangharama Bodhisattva (伽蓝菩萨) is also practiced in some Theravada Buddhist temples and Guan Gong is also one of the pantheons in Vietnam’s Cao Dao religion.

The history and continuous popularity of Guan Gong reflects the collective ideals of the Chinese over time and how these ideals are manifested as they migrate overseas. Among the overseas Chinese community, the temples dedicated to Guan Gong also demonstrated how the traditional social ideals provided a model for migrants as they leave their homeland to seek opportunities.

At the same time, Guan Gong’s appearance in Theravada cultures and Cao Dao in Vietnam also reflect the universality in the values he embodies.

Ordinary people, especially merchants and businessmen admire and respect Master Guan Yu's loyalty, integrity and righteousness, therefore honor him as a  patron saint of fortune making. He is also considered as the God of War and symbolises loyalty, integrity and brotherhood.  In recent years, more and more people regard him as an all-round guardian angel for all trades as well as a GOD OF WEALTH.

Inviting Guan Yu to possess the Spiritual medium

Take Note:
1) For Singaporeans / Malaysians / Indonesians/ Asian Countries:
Guan Di (关帝) do possess the Taoist Medium during Consultation Service in Temple. Approach him if You have important issue or business issue to seek help and not to look for him for Lottery Numbers. He can't give any lottery Numbers. During his Celebration Day, he may ask other Deities,such as Tua Di Ya Peh ( Black and White Brothers from Hell) or Ji-Gong (Crazy God of Wealth) to   give out Potential Winning Lottery  Numbers on his behalf. He doesn't bother about the Lottery. Just hang around the Temple or Make-Shift Temple during their Celebration Day and You may get to see the Lottery Numbers written on Joss-Papers, given by other Deities. 

2) For Folks in Western Countries:
Taoist-Medium Consultation is totally unseen or unheard of in Western Countries.   You may  know of  Guan Di (关帝) from the Novels, China History and from the Movies. Guan Di (关帝) Statue is good to be worshiped at Home and in the Office. Make sure the Statue is consecrated. Only thing is You don't ask him for Lottery Numbers.

Learn How To Empower Your Taoist Deity and the Altar: 
Consecration Of Taoist/Chinese Deity Statues

Just want to Strike the Lottery, without praying to Taoist Statue?
Go here>> http://talisman-4-u.blogspot.com


Crazy God Of Wealth - Ji Gong (济公)

Born Li Xiu Yuan (李修元)(1130 - 1207) to a former military governor, Li Mao Chun (李茂春).

The history goes like this...

Li Mao Chun was almost 40 and still no children. After fasting for 3 days, he took his wife to Yong Ning Temple to pray for a son.

Upon reaching the Hall of the Five Hundred Arhats, the statue of Mahakasyapa was knocked off its lotus throne.  This was considered a sign that the arhat had descended to earth - in the form of  his son.

On the 2nd Night of the 2nd Lunar Month 1130, a  baby boy was born.

Two days later, Abbot Xin Kong  went to visit the baby with presents to offer his congratulations. He knew where the baby came from and his purpose on earth. He named the baby boy " Xiu Yuan".

As he was growing up, Xiu Yuan shows an unusual talent in learning. Later, Xiu Yuan became an outstanding scholar.   He had intended to take the imperial examination but, unfortunately, both of his parents died and he had to stay with his uncle.

During the period of mourning, Xiu Yuan studied the Buddhist Classics.

Not long later, at the age of 18, he left his uncle's home and traveled around the country. When he arrived at Hangzhou, all his money had been spent.  He decided to become a monk at the Ling Yin Temple near Hangzhou.

When Xiu Yuan entered the temple, the Head Abbot -Yuan Kong immediately knew he was the re-incarnation of Taming Dragon Arhat (降龙罗汉). Abbot Yuan Kong took him in as his disciple and was given the monastic name:Dao-ji(道济).

Unlike a traditional Buddhist monk, he loved to eat meat and drank wine. The monks, bewildered and fed up with his behavior, expelled Daoji from the monastery. From then on, Daoji roamed the streets and helped people whenever he could.

While cultivating in the Buddha's teaching, Daoji attain magical powers. Even though his eccentric behavior broke the code of conducts in the monastery,  Dao Ji used his magic to help people who are in trouble.

Ji Gong passed on during meditation at the Jing Ci Monastery on the 14th day of 5th Lunar month (17 June 1207).

Taoists began to revere Ji Gong as a god from heaven and later adopted him as a deity. Not long after that, Buddhism began to respect him, and added him into the list of Arhats.

During Spiritual Seance Gathering,
He is one of the Chinese Deities who is able to give out potential Lottery Winning Numbers.

Inviting Ji-Gong(济公) Deity to possess the Female Taoist Medium

Take Note:
1) For Singaporeans / Malaysians / Indonesians/ Asian Countries:
Ji Gong (济公) do possess the Taoist Medium during Consultation Service in Temple. Approach him if You have important issue to seek help and not to look for him for Lottery Numbers. During his Celebration Day, he may give out Potential Winning Lottery  Numbers and he is very good at it if he wants you to strike. Just hang around the Temple or Make-Shift Temple during his Celebration Day and You may get to see the Lottery Numbers written on Joss-Papers.

2) For Folks in Western Countries:
Taoist-Medium Consultation is totally unseen or unheard of in Western Countries.   You may  know of  Ji Gong (济公) from the Novels, China History and from the Movies.

Ji Gong (济公) Statue is good to be worshiped at Home. Make sure the Statue is consecrated. You may seek Lottery Numbers  every time and anytime while facing his Statue but not during the time when he possessed the Taoist Medium to give consultation to people with more important issues.

Learn How To Empower Your Taoist Deity and the Altar: 
Consecration Of Taoist/Chinese Deity Statues

Just want to Strike the Lottery, without praying to Taoist Statue?
Go here>> http://talisman-4-u.blogspot.com

Earth God Of Wealth - Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神)

Tu Di Gong(土地公) , also known as Da Po Gong (大伯公) or Tua Pek Gong in Hokkiens and Teochews, is a Chinese earth god worshipped by Chinese. A formal name for Tu Di Gong is Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神), meaning the earth god of wealth and merit.

In China, every village had a shrine to Tu Di Gong. It was this deity who was in charge of administering the affairs of a particular village. In traditional times, village concerns were primarily agricultural or weather-related. This god was a modest heavenly bureaucrat to whom individual villagers could turn in  during times of drought or famine.

Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) is considered a Rank and Title and not one particular God. They were mortals on Earth in the past and after passing-on, according to their merits, they are  being bestowed as the Earth Deities. They have limited area of governing.

Today, the images of Tu Di Gong (土地公) or Da Po Gong (大伯公) can be found on the altar  at the main hall in most Chinese Homes or the altar is placed below next to the main door of the house or shop houses.

When the image or statue is  placed on the main hall altar, it is known as Da Po Gong (大伯公).  When it is placed near the ground or the altar is set on the ground, it is known as Tu Di Gong (土地公).

In the countryside, he is sometimes given a wife, Tǔ Dì Pó (土地婆, Earth Grandmother), placed next to him on the altar. 

Tu Di Gong is portrayed as an elderly man with a long white beard, a black or gold hat and a red or yellow robe, which signifies his position as a bureaucrat. He carries a wooden staff in his right hand and a golden ingot on the left. Many worships make prayers to him for wealth and their well being.

When the Chinese left China and resettled in Malaysia , Singapore and Indonesia, they brought the Fu De Zhen Shen worshiping culture with them. When they settled down, they realized the host country were Malays with different culture and customs, therefore the Spiritual Guardians will also need different dressing and customs. Thus,  they created new image of Malay Old Man wearing a Religious Hat and Malay Costume and Quran Verses painted and Banners hanged on the Altar. It is called - Datok Gong (拿督公) or Keramat Datok. 

Festivals dedicated to Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) typically take place on the second day of the second month and the 15th day of the eighth month on the Chinese lunar calendar.

Take Note:
1) For Singaporeans / Malaysians / Indonesians/ Asian Countries:
Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) do possess the Taoist Medium during Consultation Service in Temple. Approach him if You have important issue to seek help and not to look for him for Lottery Numbers. During his Celebration Day, he may give out Potential Winning Lottery  Numbers and he is very good at it if he wants you to strike. Just hang around the Temple or Make-Shift Temple during his Celebration Day and You may get to see the Lottery Numbers written on Joss-Papers.

2) For Folks in Western Countries:
Taoist-Medium Consultation is totally unseen or unheard of in Western Countries.  You may not heard of Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) Deity.

Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神) Statue is good to be worshiped at Home. Make sure the Statue is consecrated. You may seek Lottery Numbers  every time and anytime while facing his Statue but not during the time when he possessed the Taoist Medium to give consultation to people with more important issues.

Learn How To Empower Your Taoist Deity and the Altar: 
Consecration Of Taoist/Chinese Deity Statues

Just want to Strike the Lottery, without praying to Taoist Statue?
Go here>> http://talisman-4-u.blogspot.com

Malaysian Chinese God Of Wealth - Datok Gong (拿督公)

Datok Kong (拿督公), a.k.a as Keramat Datok,  are local guardian spirits among the Chinese in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. One derivation of the name unites Dato or Datuk from the local Malay word for 'grandfather', which is used as an honorific, combined with Kong from the Malaysian Chinese, also used as an honorific. Another derivation of Na Tuk Kong is that they belong to the gods of Tu Di Gong(土地公) or Fu De Zheng Shen (福德正神), which originated from China.

Asian religions is nature worship. Na Tuks could be remnants of pre-Islamic Malay religion. In Malay, pagan spirits are usually called jin kafir while guardian spirits are called penunggu or Datuk Keramat. Penunggu usually means watchman, guard or attendant.

Datok Kong is a local guardian spirit that resides in trees, ant hills, caves, riversides and in strange stone formations. A Datok Kong worship usually begin after a person is granted vision of the Na Tok's spiritual form. Some common forms are a white tiger and the form of an old man dressed in white. A Na Tuk Kong can also be 'invited' to reside outside (never indoors) a family home for spiritual protection and luck. Some people build small shrines by the road for this deity.
Datos and Keramats were seen as an alternative power to help in spiritual healing and grant protection. Mediums (bomoh) were engaged to enable communication between worshippers with the Datos and Keramats. The Datos and Keramats include spirits residing in trees, stones and even the spirits of well known local Muslim religious teachers (worshipped at their graves).

There is one fierce guardian of villages called the Dato' Panglima Hitam. A Dato that resides in trees is called Dato' Hijau. Some Datos even have their own personal names, which are revealed to worshippers during trance session. Their identity can be ascertained by looking at the banner at the shrine. Usually, the Dato's name and the shrine's date of establishment would be stated there.

The worship of Datok Gong among Malays and Indian Muslims declined steadily after Islamic authorities started clamping down on such activities. By that time, Dato worship have taken root in the local Chinese spiritual beliefs.

The Datok Gong can be worshipped on any day. The basic offerings are a pair of white candles, 3 joss sticks and burning gum Benjamin (kemanyan). Na Tuk worshippers prepare special offerings for the Na Tuk on Thursday evenings. A set of betel nut leaves complete with lime (kapur), sliced betel nut (pinang), Javanese tobacco (tembakau Jawa) and palm cigarette leaves (rokok daun) are offered together with fruits and the basic offerings.

Every Datok Gong has different individual feast days. In the Northern States (Perlis, Kedah & Penang), worshippers usually slaughter chickens, and sometimes goats to honour the Datok Gong on the feast day. The chickens and cows must be slaughtered by a Muslim. Especially goats so as to make the offering allowable for the Na Tuk. The meat is later cooked in curry and offered to the Na Tuk together with turmeric rice(nasi kunyit). This offering is also done when worshippers get their wishes granted (e.g. winning lucky numbers requested from the Na Tuk previously).

Worshippers can place offerings of shredded tobacco, areca nut flakes, betel leaves with lime paste and fruits. Pork, beer, wine and alcoholic products are not used in offerings, as they are in conflict with Islamic rules.

Datos are known to grant winning numbers to worshippers.

Documentary on Datuk-Gong Worship

Take Note:
1) For Singaporeans / Malaysians / Indonesians/ Asian Countries:
Datok Gong (拿督公) do possess the Taoist Medium during Consultation Service in Temple. Approach him if You have important issue to seek help and not to look for him for Lottery Numbers. During his Celebration Day, he may give out Potential Winning Lottery  Numbers and he is very good at it if he wants you to strike. Just hang around the Temple or Make-Shift Temple during his Celebration Day and You may get to see the Lottery Numbers written on Joss-Papers.

2) For Folks in Western Countries:
Taoist-Medium Consultation is totally unseen or unheard of in Western Countries.  You  surely have not heard and seen Datok Gong (拿督公) Statue before. Datok Gong (拿督公) Image is not suitable for Western Countries as the Spiritual Entities in Your Country is wearing in different outfit. The best way is to get a Figurine/Statue that represent the Native Old Person of Your Country  and then get the Yellow Taoist Talisman to be framed and hang behind the Statue/Figurine. Only with the Yellow Taoist Talisman help to empower the Native Looking Statue and Altar by inviting a Holy Spirit or Ghost of the Olden Days.

Datok Gong (拿督公) Statue is usually  worshiped under a tree or certain spots known to be possessed with spiritual entity. Make sure the Statue is Datok Gong (拿督公) consecrated. You may seek Lottery Numbers  every time and anytime while facing the Datok Gong Statue but not during the time when he possessed the Taoist Medium to give consultation to people with more important issues to settle.

Learn How To Empower Your Taoist Deity and the Altar: 
Consecration Of Taoist/Chinese Deity Statues

Just want to Strike the Lottery, without praying to Taoist Statue?
Go here>> http://talisman-4-u.blogspot.com

Civil God of Wealth - Bi Gan (比干)

Bi Gan (比干) - a prominent historical figure of the Shang dynasty, son of Wen Ding (文丁), Zi (子) lineage, thus member of the royal house and uncle of the last Shang king, Zhou Xin (紂王).

From the Book "Investiture of the Gods"
Bi Gan loses his heart
From the prophecy revealed by the oracle bones, Jiang Zi Ya( 姜子牙)(Prime minister for King Wen of Zhou)  predicted that King Zhou's loyal and benevolent courtier, Bi Gan, will die soon. He gave a charm to Bi Gan. One night, during a banquet hosted by King Zhou, several "immortals" appear and the king was delighted to see them. The "immortals" are actually Da Ji's (妲己)(A favorite concubine of King Zhou of Shang)  fellow fox spirits in disguise, and Bi Gan, who is also present at the banquet, senses something amiss. Bi Gan's suspicions are confirmed when the fox spirits reveal their tails unknowingly after consuming too much wine. Bi Gan gathers a group of soldiers and they track the fox spirits back to their den and kill all of them. Bi Gan uses the foxes' hides to make a cloak and presents it to King Zhou. Da Ji became  horrified and saddened when she sees the cloak, and she secretly plots vengeance on Bi Gan.

Not long later, Daji tells King Zhou that she has a heart attack and only a "delicate seven-aperture heart" (七巧玲瓏心) can relieve her agony. No one in the palace has that type of heart except Bi Gan, who is revered as a saint. Bi Gan swallows the charm given by Jiang Ziya, grabs his heart, pulls it out of his body and presents it to King Zhou. Bi Gan does not die immediately nor sheds a single drop of blood. Instead, he walks out of the palace and follows Jiang Ziya's instructions to go straight home without looking back.

When he is only a few steps away from home, a female huckster yells from behind, "Hey! Cheap cabbages without stems (hearts)!" (The "heart" rhetorically refers to the stem of the plant). Bi Gan turns around asks the huckster in curiosity, "How can there be cabbages without stems?" The woman puts on an evil grin and replies, "You're right, sir. Cabbages cannot live without stems just as men cannot live without hearts." Bi Gan shouts, falls and dies. The huckster is actually the jade Pipa spirit in disguise.

From the Historical Record..
This is how he died.
Notorious for his corruptness, the king was annoyed by Bi Gan's advice to rectify his ways. Da Ji suggested to King Zhou of Shang  that to verify an ancient saying "a good man's heart has seven apertures" Bi Gan should had his heart dug out for further scrutiny. Bi Gan was eventually executed through extraction of his heart(比干剖心).

In th Book " Investiture of the Gods"
When Jiang Zi Ya canonized the gods, Bi Gan was awarded as "Star of Wen Qu"(文曲星君).

How He is Worship as God Of Wealth..
Since Bi Gan was selfless and impartial, he had no heart on his own, people worshiped him as Civil God of Wealth.

Take Note:
I've not seen any Taoist Medium in trance of  Bi Gan (比干) Deity.  Bi Gan (比干) is mainly worshiped by the Chinese with Surname: Lin (林) all over the world.

Learn How To Empower Your Taoist Deity and the Altar: 
Consecration Of Taoist/Chinese Deity Statues

Just want to Strike the Lottery, without praying to Taoist Statue?
Go here>> http://talisman-4-u.blogspot.com

Child God Of Wealth - Shan Chai Tong Zi (善財童子)

Sudhanakumara (善財童子), mainly known as Sudhana, translated as Child Of Wealth. It was said that when Sudhana was born, many rare treasures suddenly appeared in his parent’s home.

* Please be aware that Sudhanakumara - Shan Cai Tong Zi(善財童子) IS NOT Ne-Zha (哪吒三太子). Shan Cai Tong Zi(善財童子) and Ne-Zha(哪吒三太子) are both little boys , many people thought both names refer to the same Little Boy Deity.

He is the main protagonist in the next-to-last and longest chapter of the Avatamsaka Sutra. Sudhana was a youth from India who was seeking enlightenment. At the behest of Manjusri, Sudhana takes a pilgrimage on his quest for enlightenment and studies under fifty-three great teachers, who direct one towards the Way to Enlightenment.

Sudhana appears in Buddhist, Taoist and folk stories; in most of them he is one of the acolytes of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin) and is paired with Long Nü - Little Dragon Girl(小龙女).

A fictionalized account of Sudhana is detailed in the classical novel Journey to the West, where Sudhana is portrayed as the villainous Red Boy(红孩儿). Red Boy was the son of Princess Iron Fan and the Bull Demon King, a former sworn brother of Sun Wukong - The Monkey King, prior to his 500-year imprisonment by the Buddha. As an exchange for punishment after kidnapping Xuanzang and Zhu Bajie, as well as usurping the lotus throne of Guanyin in irreverence, he became a Buddhist disciple.

Tale of the Southern Seas
Chapter 18 of the Complete Tale of Guan Yin and the Southern Seas (南海觀音全撰), a sixteenth century Ming Dynasty novel, is the first text that connects Shan Cai as being an acolyte of Guan Yin. Here Shan Cai was a disabled boy from India who was very interested in studying the Buddhist teachings and Guan Yin had just achieved enlightenment and retired to Putuoshan. When he heard that there was a Bodhisattva on the rocky island of Putuo he quickly journeyed there to learn despite his disability.

Guan Yin, after having a discussion with Shan Cai, decided to test his resolve to fully study the Buddhist teachings. She has the tree and plants turn into sword wielding pirates running up the hill to attack them. Guan Yin took off and dashed to the edge of a cliff and jumped over with the pirates still in pursuit. Shan Cai, still wanting to save Guan Yin jumped after her.

Shan Cai and Guan Yin managed to reascend the cliff at which point Guan Yin ask Shan Cai to look down. There Shan Cai saw his mortal remains at the foot of the cliff. Guan Yin now asked him to walk and Shan Cai found that he could walk normally and that he was no longer crippled. When he looked into a pool of water he also discovered that he now had a very handsome face. From that day forth Guan Yin taught Shan Cai the entire Buddha Dharma. Next Guan Yin and Shan Cai encounters the little daughter of the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea and in the process Guan Yin earns Long Nu as a new acolyte.

Due to the fact that many treasures emerged automatically at the time of Sudhana's birth. Folks gathered that the boy must be good at managing money matters or good at making money, because "Sudhana" in Sanskrit and the Chinese translation, "Shancai," literally means "Good With Money" For this reason people worship Sudhana as a "God of Wealth."

Shan Chai Tong Zi (善財童子)Doing Prayer

Take Note:
1) For Singaporeans / Malaysians / Indonesians/ Asian Countries:
Sudhanakumara (善財童子) do possess the Taoist Medium during consultation service in Temple. He is fun to look at and play with. During his Celebration Day, he may give Lottery  Numbers but the Numbers will be drawn in Animal Cartoons and expect You to catch the hints and convert into numbers Yourself.

2) For Folks in Western Countries:
Taoist-Medium Consultation is totally unseen or unheard of in Western Countries.   You may  know of  Sudhanakumara (善財童子) from the Buddhist Texts.

Sudhanakumara (善財童子) Statue is good to be worshiped at Home if there are kids. He will protect the kids.  Make sure the Statue is consecrated. Usually Sudhanakumara (善財童子) is worshiped together with Guan Yin Pusa ( Chinese Version of Bodhisattva) and Little Dragon Girl ((小龙女).

If You prefer a Small Spiritual Boy to give You Potential Winning Lottery Numbers every time and anytime , it is better to get a Kumantong or Lup Yong >> http://kumantong-4-u.blogspot.com

Learn How To Empower Your Taoist Deity and the Altar: 
Consecration Of Taoist/Chinese Deity Statues

Just want to Strike the Lottery, without praying to Taoist Statue?
Go here>> http://talisman-4-u.blogspot.com